This book is not just a fairy tale, it is actually a psychological tool that I have taught doctors, teachers, therapists and laypersons over the past 30+ years.
The technique of Learning From Problems, which is also taught in the course Living From Vision, was developed by Dr. Vernon Wolf develops and teaches.
He wrote the book Holodynamics about this work, which was successfully used,
Dr. Bobby Barnes wrote her own doctoral thesis on this method, which is called psychomaturation.
If you want to work professionally with people using this method in your work, we would be happy to give you access to this doctoral thesis.
The main discovery was that this work significantly improved self-esteem, self-determination, and the ability to deal with problems in a positive way.
Dropout children with whom these exercises were practiced for two months over the summer vacation came back to school by working on themselves using these methods, and could be reintegrated.
They voluntarily made up for all missing school material and became proactive children again.
So this book is not just a children's book but also a hand tool for adults.
In the other books by Ilona Selke you can read about how to apply this method in various areas of live.
If you want to discover something more about these methods, we recommend the online course Life from Vision.